Welcome, If You Are New!
Here is some helpful information
  • What is it like?
  • How can I get connected?
    • Please catch us at a servcie, by phone at 509-682-9063 or email Pastor Paul at palumbos@msn.com

What to Expect on Sundays:

  2. Grab the little blue book and copy your neighbor.  After a few visits, you'll get the stand up, sit down drill.
  3. .
  4. After the sermon, we say our prayers.  And after our prayers we greet each other with the Peace of Christ.  (handshakes and hugs)  It feels like the service is over, but not quite!
  5. After passing the peace, we offer an open communion every Sunday.  All are welcome to receive.
  6. And finally, join us for coffee and exceptional sweets after church.  We'd love to get to know you!

In Summary:

We Lutherans love ritual.  We're crazy about songs and silence, chants and communion.